Showing posts with label Driving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Driving. Show all posts

Mars Mission: High-Tech Four-Wheel Drive SUV For Mars With The Mars

The high-wheel drive vehicle Curiosity is on its way to the planet Mars. On 6 August 2012, the Mars Rover has achieved its goal - and spark new pictures to Earth.

On Mars missions seems to be a curse: there have been dozens, most have failed. That should be 2012 (translated: curiosity) Curiosity to change. Curiosity is a 900-pound, with high-tech all-wheel-cluttered space vehicle with six wheels. The Mars Rover - as the Americans call a Mars robot - is very well packed on the way to Mars. He will study the surface and provide researchers with pictures and information.

Troop Carrier Boxer Defense Driving Tanks

Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) make the tank test. During a visit of German soldiers in Afghanistan took advantage of the opportunity of Defense and was a demonstration of the troop carrier Boxer.

Jow the defense feels the boxer on the tooth. In a visit to troops in Afghanistan are convinced Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) of the qualities of the new Radpanzers. The troop carrier was tested in 2011 on the use and releases since early 2012, the old fox from. Armed with the names of animals are zoo-standard. Together with Prime Minister of Saxony Stanislaw Tillich (CDU), it went over sand and stone. Here, the minister would not need to travel to Afghanistan, as well as on home tarmac makes the Boxer a good figure.