Mars Mission: High-Tech Four-Wheel Drive SUV For Mars With The Mars

The high-wheel drive vehicle Curiosity is on its way to the planet Mars. On 6 August 2012, the Mars Rover has achieved its goal - and spark new pictures to Earth.

On Mars missions seems to be a curse: there have been dozens, most have failed. That should be 2012 (translated: curiosity) Curiosity to change. Curiosity is a 900-pound, with high-tech all-wheel-cluttered space vehicle with six wheels. The Mars Rover - as the Americans call a Mars robot - is very well packed on the way to Mars. He will study the surface and provide researchers with pictures and information.

Mars Mission: High-Tech Four-Wheel Drive SUV For Mars With The Mars

If everything goes according to plan, it says on 6 August 2012: "You have reached your goal." The main features of the unmanned-wheel drive vehicle is a drill, a laser and multiple cameras. While the drill removes soil samples, the laser can be a radius of six meters determine the chemical composition of the soil. The cameras will provide three-dimensional photographs and video footage of the Martian surface. In order to succeed, must cope Curiosity but it was the biggest challenge: the landing. The heavy weight forces to an unprecedented and risky maneuver: Here, the robotic vehicle is sold in several stages in the Martian soil.

Mars Mission: High-Tech Four-Wheel Drive SUV For Mars With The Mars

A probe can - slowed by braking rockets - the floating robot base gene (see video below). It comes down to precision, because the landing area is limited. There is an approximately 20 by 25 kilometer plain at the foot of a mountain that rises almost 5,000 meters high from the bottom of a crater. From here to the Mars Rover set off on his exploration. NASA chose this place because hindeuteten rock formations and soil conditions that once there has been water. This opens up the possibility that there are deep under the surface of surviving microbes. Whether this is so, is to find out Curiosity. The entire mission is under pressure to succeed. After imposing $ 2.5 billion (about 1.9 billion euros), NASA has made ​​it loose - and that in times of limited space budget. Upstairs in the gallery, we present the vehicle in front of impressive detail!

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