Marchionne To Winterkorn Trouble With Auto Giants

Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne poses in front of a destructive Volkswagen pricing. VW counters - and is Marchionne as President of the European manufacturers association into question.

In the middle of the market crisis on the European car market has broken out between Volkswagen and the industry leader ailing carmaker Fiat is a massive controversy. VW invited the Chairman of the European car manufacturers association ACEA, Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne (pictured at left, along with Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn), to resign. Marchionne was unacceptable as president of the association and should go, VW communications manager Stephan Grühsem declared on 26 July 2012. Background is one of the "New York Times" quoted Marchionne's accusation, Volkswagen, pursuing a reckless and destructive pricing. "The pricing there is a bloodbath. It's a bloodbath at the margins," Marchionne was quoted as saying.

EU Commission takes VW to protect
In the dispute between VW and the ailing carmaker Fiat has taken the EU Commission in protecting Volkswagen. "I have no evidence of exploitation of a dominant position and unfair business practices by Volkswagen announced," a spokesman for EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said on 27 July 2012 in Brussels. The EU Commission could not comment further on the case, because they do not know any details. Fiat, Volkswagen had accused of running a ruthless and destructive pricing.

By the Wolfsburg aggressive discounts granted, they used the crisis to gain market share. In view of these remarks is also an exit from the Acea an option for Volkswagen, said head of communications Grühsem. Founded in 1991, carmakers association Acea, represents the interests of 18 manufacturers of cars, trucks and buses at the European level and is regarded as an influential organization. Fiat is suffering massive sales problems. Marchionne, in turn is known for pithy statements. He had called earlier this year that Europe needed a strong second car maker and as a counterbalance to VW.

The automotive industry association ACEA
In the influential European Automobile Manufacturers Association ACEA 16 major producers of passenger cars and trucks, and buses are members of. National organizations of most EU countries, such as the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) are associated with the industry association. The individual member companies include BMW, DAF Trucks, Daimler, Fiat, Ford Europe, General Motors Europe, Hyundai Motor Europe, IIveco, Jaguar, Land Rover, Porsche, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, Toyota Motor Europe, Volkswagen and Volvo Cars and Volvo Group. ie according to the association employ a total of two million people and indirectly provide for an additional ten million jobs. The Acea (Association des Constructeurs Européens d'Automobiles) was founded in 1991. He walked out of the Comité des Constructeurs du Marché Commun (CMMC) out. Head of the lobbying association in Brussels. 1995 and 2004 also representative offices in Beijing and Tokyo were opened. Association President Sergio Marchionne, Fiat has replaced this year by his predecessor, Dieter Zetsche, Daimler at the top of the ACEA.

Fiat boss out of trouble over an alleged Advertise Alfa Romeo to VW's interest in both MAN and Scania shares VW announced, but a little later than this "joke" means. The conflict between VW and Fiat comes at a time in the car market in the EU is on a downward slide for months - especially in the Euro-crisis countries, Spain and Italy, but also in France. This is the manufacturer must take hard, who are dependent on Europe - in addition to the European number two PSA Peugeot Citroën, these include Opel and Fiat. They struggle with overcapacity.

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