Passenger Car Market Internationally: June 2012 World Markets For Growth

While car sales in the U.S., China, India and Russia growled in June 2012, Western Europe went again on losses. Among the brands dominate VW, Audi and Skoda, bitter break-ins were at Opel and Fiat.

The key international markets outside Europe could come up in June 2012 with consistently double-digit growth rates in passenger car sales. "The global car market continues to grow. Alone in the U.S. and Japan in the first half of 2012 were each around one million cars sold more than a year earlier. The Chinese market grew by approximately 500,000 units. Thus, the decline in Western Europe more than offset, "said Matthias Wissmann, President of the Association of the Automotive industry (VDA). The Western European car market was ranked slightly lower than last year - the positive demand in the German and British markets prevented an even worse record. With a slight decrease of two percent in Western Europe fell in June after all, a lot better than the entire first half.

In the European Union, new car registrations in June, have shrunk the ninth consecutive month. The sales were down compared to same month last year by 2.8 percent to 1,201,578 vehicles, said the European industry association ACEA. Among the biggest losers once belonged Opel. The sale of Opel and Vauxhall cars similar to the previous month declined by 12.2 percent to 88 252 cars. The beleaguered French manufacturer PSA (Peugeot, Citroen, minus 8.6 percent) and Renault (down 3.8 percent) had also suffered a strong sales minus. The Italian manufacturer Fiat had however complain with minus 18 percent to still a considerably sharper decline.

The German manufacturers fared differently: Volkswagen (VW) increased sales due to the sales success of its common VW brand (up 3.4 percent), Audi (7.6 percent) and Skoda (up 5.2 percent) by 2 , 8 percent. The Spanish subsidiary Seat contrast, sold 14.5 percent fewer cars. BMW ended the month with a slight decrease of 0.5 percent, Daimler sold at minus 5.7 percent, however, significantly less. This particularly impacted the slump in Smart (down 14.0 percent).

Again, had a stabilizing effect, new car registrations in Germany (plus three per cent) and UK (up three percent). In France, a slight decrease was recorded (minus one percent). Spain (minus twelve percent) and Italy (down 24 per cent) were again below last year's level. By contrast, new registrations submitted in Switzerland (up 42 percent) and in the Netherlands (up 52 percent) strongly. However, this increase is also associated with advance purchases. In the first half of the year in Western Europe were admitted nearly 6.5 million new cars (minus seven percent).

Recorded a slight decline in car sales in the new EU countries. The market stood at 71 600 new vehicles sold slightly below the previous year (minus one percent). In Poland, demand fell by five per cent, while markets in Hungary (18 percent) and Bulgaria (+17 percent) had double-digit growth. In the first six months of new car registrations rose in the new EU countries by almost five percent to 404 000 units.

In the U.S., sales of light vehicles (cars and light trucks) in June by 22 percent to 1.28 million units. With an increase of nearly 25 percent in passenger car sales increased disproportionately to 645 100 units. Sales of light trucks rose by over 19 percent to 636 300 units. In the first half grew the overall market for light vehicles by nearly 15 percent to 7.25 million units. The German manufacturers expanded faster than the overall market: Their sales increased by almost 21 percent to 591 700 new vehicles. Specifically in passenger cars, German manufacturers were able to expand with an increase in the amount of 23 percent to 439 900 new cars their market position: they increased their market share in the passenger car segment by 0.5 percentage points to 11.8 percent. For light trucks, the German group brands increased their sales in the first half by 15 percent, while total light truck market grew by eleven percent.

The Chinese car market was in June surprisingly robust, growing by almost 16 percent to 1.1 million new vehicles sold. In the first half of the passenger car sales rose by around nine per cent to over 6.4 million units. Also in good shape, the Indian car market. In June, a total of 209 000 new cars were sold (up 11 percent). In the first six months, sales of almost 1.5 million units, about 13 percent over the previous year.

In Japan, continued in the catching-up in June. With 432 600 units were sold almost 47 percent more cars than last month. In the first half of the increased car sales in Japan fell by nearly 57 percent to over 2.5 million units.

The Russian auto market continues to work at high speed: In June, sales of light vehicles rose by more than ten per cent to 272 100 units. In the first half of the total market grew by over 14 percent to over 1.4 million vehicles. The German manufacturers increased their sales by more than 40 percent. Well, every fifth new car, which was sold in Russia in the first half of the year, wears a German badge.

The Brazilian market for light vehicles in June grew by almost 19 percent to 340 600 units. A significant contribution to this rendered the newly launched government incentive programs. In the first half of the market stood at 1.6 million vehicles, but only good at the same level.

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