Current Fuel Prices The Fuel Prices Rise

According to the ADAC the fuel prices pull at German filling stations on again. Germany in Europe fills up but still in the middle: Italy is currently the most expensive!

The relaxation at German gas stations is over: While motorists on 27 June 2012 for the Super-liter E10 still on average 1.522 € and for the same amount of diesel 1.375 € paid, the prices climbed this week (as at 4 July 2012) to an average of 1.542 € (E 10) and 1.396 € (Diesel). The reason is, according to the Automobile Association in a rise in oil price which is higher by about ten dollars a barrel for Brent crude than in the previous week.

Especially at the start of the holidays it is advisable to inform also about the fuel prices abroad, advises the ADAC. Tourists heading to the direction in Italy should at least fill up in Austria. Compared to Italy, where premium gasoline is 34 cents cheaper, diesel about 28 cents. Abroad, motorway service stations are often no more expensive than other stations. In many countries, is therefore worth a visit not from the highway. The current fuel prices in Europe can be found in our text link (above).

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